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Frédéric Langlais and Samuel Garcia are two of those talented young accordionists who don't quite know where to fit in, when in fact they are the perfect illustration of a new model. Sam and Fred play all kinds of music!
Sometimes serious, sometimes fresh and cheerful, always far from any "vulgar preciosity" to quote Gus Viseur. Gathered together for the best in music, at ease in all genres, they present us with a musical panorama of classical virtuosity, variety, jazz, unexpected covers and...
Sometimes serious, sometimes fresh and cheerful, always far from any "vulgar preciosity" to quote Gus Viseur. Gathered together for the best in music, at ease in all genres, they present us with a musical panorama of classical virtuosity, variety, jazz, unexpected covers and...
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Opening times
On 25 May 2025 from 18:00 to 19:30
Contact Mai musical de Meursault - Concert "L'accordéon sans limites" avec le Duo FLSG, Frédéric Langlais et Samuel Garcia