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Do you prefer Pinot Noir or Chardonnay?
Discover the main grape varieties of Burgundy wines Four main grape varieties are grown in Burgundy. The "red" varieties are Pinot Noir and Gamay. The "white" varieties are Chardonnay and Aligoté. Pinot noir and Chardonnay are the most widespread.

Pinot noir - Burgundy grape variety

Pinot noir produces Burgundy’s finest red wines, with aromas of red fruits and spices. The ageing potential of pinot noir wines is generally high.

The juice of pinot noir is colorless. It’s during maceration and fermentation in the vat that the coloring matter, contained in the grape berry skins, gives the wine its red hue.

Chardonnay - Burgundy grape variety

Chardonnay - Burgundy grape variety

Chardonnay produces exceptional white wines with notably aromas of minerality, flowers and white and yellow-fleshed fruit.

Burgundy white wines made from chardonnay are recognized worldwide for their aromatic qualities.

Did you know?

In Burgundy, unlike in other regions, no blending of grape varieties takes place during wine-making. The great wines of Burgundy therefore all express the richness of the Burgundian terroir through thepinot noir grape variety for red wines andchardonnay for white wines.

with a few exceptions such as Passe-Tout-Grains, Coteaux Bourguignon or certain Crémants de Bourgogne.
